Monday, December 2, 2013

My Thanksgiving

What I like to do on Thanksgiving is eat lots of turkey.  We also had apple pie,  pumpkin pie, dressing, and allot of other stuff to eat.  My family and I had fun we ate and then we watched football.  We also when to black Friday but, there was allot of people so, we left.  Then we went home and relaxed.  

My Thanksgivng Days

     What I did for thanksgiving is that I had to clean up my room, becasue I know that my little cousins are going to try to get in there and mess with my stuff and make a mess of my room and I have to be the one to clean. When I got done with that I helped my mom with some of the food that my mom is doing for the feast, She did some cream and corn but she got it done with that by herself. But I still did help with the Banana pudding. When the aunts and uncles and cousins finally came we had a time to ourselves and had some fun and also later, we ate some big food at our grandmothers house that is next to my house. When we where done eating we went to our house to just talk and do stupid things that seem fun. 

thanksgiving holiday

what i did during thanksgiving was eat.I brushed my teeth in the morning.I put on my shoes.I took a shower.I hustled till dawn.

My Thanksgiving

      Well I had to get up for practice at 8:00 am, Then after that I took a shower and got ready for our thanksgiving. We ate so much, and after that we played basketball. It was good day !  

A.jay cardona

My thanksgiving

Well I had to get up for practice at 8:00 am, Then after that I took a shower and got ready for our thanksgiving. We ate so much, and after that we played basketball. It was good day !  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why are Punctuation's Important

Punctuation plays a big role when writing. They help the reader better understand what the writer is saying. Without punctuation, we would be lost, and confused when reading. I use punctuation all the time in English. Punctuation will be used till the end of time. 
~Hershey Boy~

Why are punctuation important?

Why are punctuation important?
They are important because it gives the autual meaning to
the written word.A single fault in punctuation can communicate a totally different meaning.
  1. if you try and read this sentence which has no punctuation at all: perhaps you dont always need to use.